Kaltura API

Starts a new KS (kaltura Session) based on an application authentication token ID
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
id string application token ID V
tokenHash string a hash [MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512 are supported] of the current KS concatenated with the application token V
userId string session user ID, will be ignored if a different user ID already defined on the application token 1
type KalturaSessionType session type, will be ignored if a different session type is already defined on the application token 1
expiry int session expiry (in seconds), could be overridden by shorter expiry of the application token 1
sessionPrivileges string session privileges, will be ignored if a similar privilege is already defined on the application token or the privilege is server reserved 1
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ id: "value", tokenHash: "value", userId: "value", type: value, expiry: value, sessionPrivileges: "value" }