Kaltura API

will create a CSV file for the given report and return the URL to access it
Input Params
Name Type Description Required Default Value
reportTitle string The title of the report to display at top of CSV V
reportText string The text of the filter of the report V
headers string The headers of the columns - a map between the enumerations on the server side and the their display text V
reportType KalturaReportType V
reportInputFilter KalturaReportInputFilter V
dimension string 1
pager KalturaFilterPager 1
order string 1
objectIds string - one ID or more (separated by ',') of specific objects to query 1
responseOptions KalturaReportResponseOptions 1
Output Type
Example HTTP Hit
JSON object:
{ reportTitle: "value", reportText: "value", headers: "value", reportType: "value", reportInputFilter: { objectType: "KalturaReportInputFilter", fromDate: value, toDate: value, fromDay: "value", toDay: "value", keywords: "value", searchInTags: value, searchInAdminTags: value, categories: "value", categoriesIdsIn: "value", customVar1In: "value", customVar2In: "value", customVar3In: "value", deviceIn: "value", countryIn: "value", regionIn: "value", citiesIn: "value", operatingSystemFamilyIn: "value", browserFamilyIn: "value", timeZoneOffset: value, interval: "value", mediaTypeIn: "value", sourceTypeIn: "value", ownerIdsIn: "value", entryOperator: { objectType: "KalturaESearchEntryOperator", operator: value, searchItems: [{ objectType: "KalturaESearchEntryBaseItem" }] }, entryCreatedAtGreaterThanOrEqual: value, entryCreatedAtLessThanOrEqual: value, entryIdIn: "value" }, dimension: "value", pager: { objectType: "KalturaFilterPager", pageSize: value, pageIndex: value }, order: "value", objectIds: "value", responseOptions: { objectType: "KalturaReportResponseOptions", delimiter: "value", skipEmptyDates: value } }