
Kaltura API documentation provides information to web developers who wish to use Kaltura's Application Programming Interfaces (APIs). To gain a wider understanding of the Kaltura open source video platform, please review the Introduction to Kaltura Platform document.

The Kaltura open source video platform exposes its Server API to web applications by implementing a standard HTTP POST/GET url-encoded requests structure. Kaltura server API's, also named Kaltura Partner Services, are designed to follow REST principles. The server APIs consist of service actions for querying, setting, updating and listing entities as well as for activating processes within Kaltura open source video platform. Service actions are grouped according to the entity type they are applied on, and provide all actions relevant to the specific entity.

This API documentation provides specific information on:

A prerequisite for using Kaltura APIs is obtaining Kaltura partner identifiers, such as Partner ID. Learn more about obtaining Kaltura partner identifiers.

In addition to this documentation, Kaltura provides an API Test Console Application, allowing you to develop applications using the Kaltura API.

For additional support, please visit Kaltura Community Forums.